Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week I actually starting making a few things which felt really good.

The first two weeks of the semester I was pushing myself pretty hard to come up with an amazing idea, and was reading a lot on the subjects of war, the military, and propaganda used in military recruitment over time.

I was also trying to learn how to use Yarn Spinner and DOTween. My head was spinning and by Wednesday of this week I sort of hit a wall.

Once I hit that wall, I spent the next day or so playing around on Photoshop. I still want to use a lot of still images in the final project, and so I spent a little while editing some photos and making some cool looking text. This felt like a nice relief after spending so much energy on research and conceptualising.

By the end of the week I have a Yarnspinner conversation scene, and a intro menu with plenty of funky looking DOTweening. The menu especially is creepy as hell, and has gotten me really excited again about the project. I still don’t know exactly what it is, but I’m enjoying journeying towards it, and can feel it being birthed into the world. 

I love this idea of a “game” that is really just a pretty regular app, with a sort of choose-your-own-adventure story with some cool creepy images and some great sound design…. ! 

About This Work

By Harry Hughes
Email Harry Hughes
Published On: 06/08/2021