Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Through this subject, Illusion of Life, I have been learning about and making movement. It has been an iterative process through different experiments on how movement can support a guided meditation audio track for people with chronic pain. Each iteration has meant changes to the movement of the camera and the city lights within the experience, and each iteration has invovled experimenting with how movement can be changed and refined.

The goal of this experience, to support novice meditators with chronic learn to focus their attention inward on bodily sensations of pain has driven the criteria by which each experiment has been judged. The experience needs to be calming without drawing attention away from the viewer's internal state. The nature of the VR experience could help people maintain an inward, open monitoring meditative state by blocking out other distractions and supporting the guided meditation audio track.

These simple, refined movements have formed sound algorithmic patterns for the underlying code that support reuse and further refinement and modification for developing a whole VR experience to accompany guided meditation audio tracks.  My ambitious goal is that it would incorporate gaze tracking as a measure of focus; with changeable tempo of the visuals and music to help the viewer re-engage when their attention wanders.

About This Work

By Amanda Belton
Email Amanda Belton
Published On: 03/06/2019


IOL, IOL FInal folio