Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and Time


I had a hard time creating an idea relates to time and its  because similar ideas has been explored in other courses and I don’t want to repeat myself (I’ve created a time-reverse prototype in other projects). I think it would be quite interesting if the player is allowed to control the time for several seconds. In most games, slow-motion usually happen during critical hits or being used as a punishment to slow down the player. In my prototype, I want to use it as an advantage to progress through the level. Player has a bar which shows how long they can stop the time. When pressing, player can slow the time around and do some extra move. When releasing, the bar will be refilled. The fact that players can use their skill anytime adds uncertainty to the game. Players will use their skill carefully and could create some intense moments in games.

I create a basic prototype in UE4. In the prototype, the player can press a button and slows down the time, but only for a few seconds. The player can use this ability to dodge bullets or jump on moving platforms. The enemy will rotate toward the player and shoot projectiles.


The prototype uses  compulsion loop to keep the player engaged with the game. Players perform an action(press the button), are rewarded(slows down the time), another possibility opens(keep pressing or stop pressing to use the skill for a longer period for the next time ) and the cycle repeats. The game Superhot uses a similar idea- enemies only move when the player moves.

When it comes to defying which model of play this is, it can be quite difficult. I think it is because game prototypes are usually something which have been predefined by others, and they often lack room for people to truly express their creativity(even in Minecraft, you are still doing what the game allows you to do).

The closest example would be constructive play- the game deign is  organized and thoughtful, the game manipulates  'time' to create something different, and this increases its complexity.  (Alka Burman). An article from Amelia Hill  points out video games might be beneficial to children in some ways. She mentioned ‘video games are more educational than school, stimulating children to be more critical, constructive and reflective than conventional classroom teaching'.



Overall, I think this is my least favorite response, because I think I was playing way too safe here. Here are several ideas to make the gameplay more intense:

1. Adding option to fast forward the time

2.Fast forward the time to attack enemies from behind

3.Creating pickups which increase the length of the skill bar

4.Addign ability for the player to stop the time completely

5. Adding enemies which also move very fast

6. Adding broken platforms which can only move  when fast forwarding the time

Related Research

Constructive play in early learning environments (Alka Burman)

Computer and Video Game Play in Early Childhood ()

Video games 'teach more than school’(Amelia Hill ,2003)

About This Work

By Jerry Lee
Email Jerry Lee
Published On: 16/03/2022