Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


This week's practice is Play and Stillness. Games related to this topic have always occupied a certain market, such as Minecraft, Shenmue and Traveling Frog mentioned in the class. Players who want to relax and enjoy these games even more.  Indeed, many people in fast-paced life just want to relax in the game. I also realized that it would be very interesting to add stillness elements to fierce games, such as Dead by Daylight. Players are as frightened when they are stationary as they are in motion. From this, I considered what kind of benefits the stillness brought to the game. Then I learned from reference that Remesal emphasized that slow gaming is structured around three coordinates: time expansion, serene contemplation experience, and non-economical sense of action. This idea has greatly inspired me, and made me more inspired for this exercise. I will use the settings in the movie Silent Place to make a VR game, but it is not the sound that attracts the ghosts, but the movement.



I will draw a sketch map and set the gameplay by hand, and use AE to make a demonstration video. I want to present the final game in VR.  However, I currently don’t have a VR device, so I can only express gameplay by taking photos and gestures. I will try to explain and draw the game process in detail.



As a VR game, I pay more attention to the playability of the game itself. Because the immersive experience of the device is very good, I want this game to make players feel excited and happy. 

If it can be realized, I think this is a very interesting game.  In the demo video, the yellow is the player. The player's goal is to reach the save point, but on the way they will encounter ghosts moving in the room. The ghost setting here is that the vision is not very good, only a small area of ​​the front can be seen. If the player is discovered by a ghost, the game must be restarted. The more difficult thing is that ghosts have the ability to freeze the player for three seconds. When the ghost activates this skill, there will be a countdown and flashing reminders. Players need to find a position immediately so that they are not found by ghosts when they are still.  

I think this VR game can be designed into many levels, and the difficulty can also be improved. Because behind this game, infinite possibilities can be extended.



In this exercise, my inspiration is the most.  At the beginning of the design, there were countless ideas about movies and games in my mind, even though they were messy. So I went to study the literature shared by the teacher and learned what a slow game is and what characteristics it has to attract players. After combining the knowledge, I think my initial thinking has become clearer.  With the support of theory and reference, the process of this exercise is relaxed and happy. This is the last practice of this semester. Looking back on these ten exercises, I have made great progress and benefited a lot. Let me learn how to realize design ideas and make different things.  This idea is reflected in all the work done by every designer, and it is my biggest gain.



<Slow gaming, notes for a contemplative game> By Víctor Navarro Remesal


About This Work

By Momo Wang
Email Momo Wang
Published On: 19/05/2021