Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Last week, I created flow treatment that establishes in how does the story about the two adventurer flows. This week, I created a mind map that shows how do I Implement the story of the two siblings with the story of the two adventurers.

By splitting each core ideas of the story and brainstorming, I realised that I could implement the concept of “Imagination”. A few days ago, I have consulted with lecturers and friends and they suggested that I could create a story that revolves around a child’s imagination. Where the story of the two adventurers is actually a child’s imagination of a duel with their own sibling.

Using the concept of imagination actually broadens my creativity and ideas in writing the story. I could, maybe, use a toy to depict the two character’s personality. One of the children could use a toy sword to depict a samurai in their imagination, and one could use a toy wand to depict a wizard in their imagination.

About This Work

By Alvin Khoe
Email Alvin Khoe
Published On: 27/05/2020


AN Folio 2, Animated Narratives, Animated narratives folio