Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

My take on this weeks theme: Constraints
I've set myself to a series of rules to work on and to test if I can abide within my own constraints. 

My constraints were: 

1.) Object lacks details

2.) One object can consist of 3 parts only

3.) each part has its own individuality (eg. a cube could be just a cube but through a lens it could be a sphere when viewed through a lens) 

Still revolving around AR and the use of 3D modeling & printing, I was trying to achieve something that would alter a physical object and turn it into something else. 

I've started to model the objects and 3d print them for AR testing but I've ran out of time to implement the visual change through a lens. Hopefully I'll be able to show this through my main project. 

About This Work

By Kim Dela Cruz
Email Kim Dela Cruz
Published On: 07/05/2020


#CPS, CPS Week 9